42nd (East Lancashire) Division: Assistant Dir of Medical Services (1915 Jun – 1916 Jan)
WO 95/4263-4359
Lieut-Colonel T. P. Jones, M.B. RAMC
June 29, 1915 (11am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Assumed duties of ADMS 42nd E. Lancs Division vice Colonel J. BENTLY MANN placed on sick list. The Field Ambulances under my command are:
1/1st East Lancashire Field Ambulance
1/2nd East Lancashire Field Ambulance
1/3rd East Lancashire Field Ambulance
June 30, 1915 (10am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Inspected Advanced Dressing Stations 1/1 Fld Ambulance, also the Regimental Aid Posts and trenches on KANLI DERE.
Ordered the site of the Adv. Dressing Station, at point 5.t.4 known as CLAPHAM JUNCTION, to be changed to a spot 50 yards further forward as present site obviously unsafe and casualties were occurring daily. Recommended to GOC alteration in scheme for latrines in trenches. Orders on the subject issued by GOC to Brigadiers.
July 1, 1915 (10am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Inspected bivouac of 1/9th MANCHESTER REGT. Inspected Advanced Dressing Station of 1/3 Fld. Ambulance on MAL TEPE DERE at point 5.t.9.
July 2, 1915 (10:30am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Inspected main dressing station 1/1st Fld Ambulance (square I.f.4) on the cliff 350 yards S. of X Beach. Inspected bivouac of 1/2nd Fld. Ambulance in reserve at same place.
12 Noon. Inspected main dressing station 1/3rd Fld Ambulance on the West KRITHIA road (square 2.g.3). Directed a larger dug out to be made for shelter of sick & wounded.
3pm. 25 NCOs & men arrived as temporary re-enforcements from Nos 24 and 25 Casualty Clearing Stations. Posted to 1/2nd Fld Ambulance.
3pm. Telegram received from VIII Corps directing as many sick and wounded as possible to be retained in dressing stations. Issued orders accordingly.
July 3, 1915 (11:00am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
OC 1/2nd Fld Ambulance ordered to detail an officer for 1/8 LANCS FUSILIERS.
July 4, 1915 (Gallipoli Peninsula)
Signal received from VIII A Corps directing evacuation of sick and wounded to be carried out as usual.
July 5, 1915 (6pm. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Attack by enemy on both flanks commencing at 4:00am. This Division occupying centre section was not directly engaged but was subjected to heavy bombardment. Casualties few.
July 6, 1915 (6pm. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Prepared and sent in to ADMS VIII Army Corps a nominal roll of casualties which have occurred among RAMC officers 42nd Division since landing on Peninsula.
July 7, 1915 (6pm. Gallipoli Peninsula)
New dug out at 1/3 Fld Ambulance completed and found satisfactory. Inspected the transport of all Field Ambulances.
July 8, 1915 (1pm. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Temp Lieut. C. R. VON BRAUN having reported his arrival was placed in medical charge of 4th E. Lancs Regt. And joined unit.
3pm. Instructions received to commence anti cholera inoculations.
3pm. Draft on subject sent for insertion in Div Orders. Instructions issued to RAMC officers concurrent.
July 9, 1915 (4pm. Gallipoli Peninsula)
The Field Ambulances are deficient in vehicles and horses. Furnished DADQS with a state in order that horsed transport may be made up to establishment in Mob. Strength Table for Fld. Ambulances corrected to Feb 1915.
July 10, 1915 (Gallipoli Peninsula)
Water tanks and barrels fixed in KANLI DERE above CLAPHAM JUNCTION (square 5.t.4) and in 3 trenches on the N.E. of the main branch of this nullah above CLAPHAM JUNCTION where a direct water supply to tank from spring can be attained. Water is sterilized in these receptacles which are in charge of water duty men RAMC. This arrangement saves labour and provides water in places which are inaccessible to water carts.
July 11, 1915 (10pm. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Received from VIII Army Corps the RAMC arrangements for attack by 52nd Division tomorrow. The dressing stations ordered to be established by this division are permanent ones already fixed as stated in the order.
July 12, 1915 (08:10am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Attack by 52nd Division carried out this morning. Made arrangements in case RAMC assistance required from this division.
Issued orders to No 1/2nd Fld. Ambulance to place one bearer sub-division at disposal of OC 1/3rd Fld. Ambulance and to hold a second bearer sub-div in readiness.
Signalled to OC 88th Fld Ambulance, 29th Div. requesting 2 motor ambulance wagons to be sent to 1/3rd Fld Ambulance.
No 1/1 Fld Ambulance on line of evacuation KANLI DERE
No 1/2 Fld Ambulance in reserve. No 1/3 Fld Ambulance (less one section) on line of evacuation MAL TEPE DERE.
6pm. Second assault made at 4:30pm. Wounded from morning and afternoon assaults evacuated through line MAL TEPE DERE. Only a small number (45) evacuated through line KANLI DERE. My Field Ambulances were engaged throughout the day in assisting the bearer divisions of the Divisions engaged.
July 13, 1915 (03:35am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Received telegram from ADMS RND asking for a bearer division to report to ADMS 52nd Division, as wounded stated to be hampering operations in the trenches. Ordered 2 bearer sub-divs. From No 1/2 Fld Ambulance to be sent up MAL TEPE DERE under orders of OC 1/3 Fld Ambulance.
2:35pm. Received telegram from ADMS RND requesting me to arrange a relief for my 2 bearer sub-divs. Sent in morning.
3:30pm. Ordered one bearer sub-div. from No 1/2 Fld Ambulance and one bearer sub-div. from No 1/3 Fld Ambulance to be sent in relief.
July 14, 1915 (6:00pm. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Two of my bearer sub divisions are still assisting 52nd Division. There has been little fighting during today and I have verbally asked ADMS RND, who has been making the RAMC arrangements for yesterday’s attacks, to send them back.
July 15, 1915 (02:35am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
The 2 bearer sub divisions reported their return. Their casualties have been one officer (Lt. BLACKLY) and 32 ORs and men wounded.
July 16, 1915 (4:00pm. Gallipoli Peninsula)
All dressing stations have now completed rest places for the accommodation of those cases of abdominal wounds which it is undesirable to move. Received report from OC Advanced Dressing Station of 1/3rd Fld. Ambulance on MAL TEPE DERE that after fighting of 12th and 13th inst. Eleven men suffering from abdominal wounds were sent to the Casualty Clearing Station after 48 hours rest and apparently out of danger.
July 17, 1915 (4:00pm. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Ordered No 1/2nd Fld Ambulance to take over from No 1/1st Fld Ambulance and the Advanced Dressing Stations and bearer relief post hitherto found by the latter.
No 1/1st Fld Ambulance (less 2 sections in reserve). Dressing Station on cliff S. of X Beach.
No 1/2nd Fld Ambulance. Line of evacuation KANLI DERE with the advanced dressing station at CLAPHAM JUNCTION (square 5.t.4) and on West KRITHIA road (square 2.b.2).
No 1/3rd Fld Ambulance (less one section in reserve) line of evacuation MAL TEPE DERE with Advanced Dressing Station 300 yards S.W. of Brown House (square 5.t.9) and a main dressing station on the West KRITHIA road (square 2.j.3)
July 18, 1915 (Gallipoli Peninsula)
Lieut. M. MORITZ 1/3rd Field Ambulance reported his arrival from England. Took over temporarily the duties of ADMS VIII Army Corps in addition to duties of ADMS 42nd Division.
July 19, 1915 (Gallipoli Peninsula)
150 extra Petrol tins obtained for units for carriage of water to trenches. More are still required.
July 20, 1915 (Gallipoli Peninsula)
Nothing to note.
July 21, 1915 (Gallipoli Peninsula)
OC 1/2nd Fld Ambulance ordered to return to their unit at IMBROS, 8 NCOs and men of the 25 Casualty Clearing Station.
July 22, 1915 (2:30pm. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Issued to brigades the RAMC special instruction from the Divisional Scheme in anticipation of enemy attack tomorrow.
11pm. Received signal VIII Corps ordering 1/3rd Fld Ambulance to take over 3 Ambulance Wagons of 41st Fld Ambulance, 13th Division at 8am tomorrow.
July 23, 1915 (9:00am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Three ambulance wagons taken over in compliance with above order by 1/3rd Fld Ambulance. 2 officers and 2 other ranks arrived as reinforcements for the Field Ambulances under my command.
July 24, 1915 (9:00am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
The DADMS in company with OC 1/2nd Fld Ambulance inspected the advanced dressing stations on the KANLI DERE and visited the regimental aid posts of the 38th Bde. 13th Division now occupying firing line. Necessary instructions as to evacuation re-issued to the RAMC officers with units of the brigade. He proceeded by communication trench to MAL TEPE DERE and visited the Advanced Dressing Station of 1/3rd Fld Ambulance near BROWN HOUSE.
July 25, 1915 (3:00pm. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Relinquished duties of ADMS VIII Army Corps on return of Col. YARR.
July 26, 1915 (Gallipoli Peninsula)
It has not hitherto been the practice to send nominal rolls with parties For the dressing station, the tally being considered sufficient. To prevent irregularities, I have now given orders for rolls to be always made out by the Field Ambulances.
RAMC officers attached to units have now been informed that in all cases they are to send their sick and wounded through a Field ambulance and never divert to the Casualty Clearing Station.
July 27, 1915 (9:00am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Lieuts. SEECOMB and RAVENHILL arrived having been sent by GHQ to carry out anti cholera inoculations.
July 28, 1915 (9:00am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Application sent in through GOC for the 6 Mk. V (converted) Ambulance wagons left by the Field Ambulances of my division at ALEXANDRIA, to be sent out as early as possible. The units have drivers, horses and harness. At present there are only 2 serviceable ambulance wagons among the three Field Ambulances and in action it is always necessary to obtain extra transport from the 29th Division. Application also sent through GOC to DAG 3rd Echelon for 122 men to replace RAMC casualties in the division.
11am. Five Ptes. RAMC arrived, reinforcements for 1/1st Fld Ambulance.
July 29, 1915 (8:00am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Major E. H. COX assumed command of 1/3rd E. Lancs Fld Ambulance vice Lt-Col. STEINHALL placed on sick list and proceeded on hospital ship.
11am. Major T. HOLT RAMC attached 1/5th Lancashire Fusiliers wounded and proceeded to casualty clearing station. OC 1/2nd Field Ambulance ordered to detail an officer in his place.
July 30, 1915 (12 Noon. Gallipoli Peninsula)
A motor ambulance wagon reported. This was sent on loc’n from 29th Division under orders of VIII Army Corps. As a daily routine it will be stationed at the Advanced Dressing Station on W. KRITHIA road (square 2.b.2), the horsed ambulance transport to that section being discontinued.
4pm. No 1/1st Fld Ambulance took over KANLI DERE line of evacuation from No 1/2nd Fld Ambulance.
No 1/2nd Fld Ambulance in reserve.
No 1/3rd Fld Ambulance (less one section in reserve) MAL TEPE DERE line of evacuation.
July 31, 1915 (9:30am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
The section held by this division will from 5pm today be extended to the right to a front 150 yards to the East of the MAL TEPE DERE (square 6.b.6). From the date of this transfer the boundary between the French and British zones will be the MAL TEPE DERE as far downwards as the water towers and thence along the present boundary line.
This necessitates a strengthening of RAMC arrangements on line of evacuation MAL TEPE DERE for this division.
10am. Message sent ADMS RND that OC 1/3rd E. L. Fld Ambulance would take over the advanced dressing station at fork on SIDD-EL-BAHR – KRITHIA road (square 5.x.9) hitherto furnished by R.N. Division.
10am. Order sent OC 1/3rd E. L. Fld Ambulance in accordance with above.
Appendix No 1
Extract from Divisional Routine Orders, 42nd Division, dated June 30, 1915
I55. APOINTMENT. Lieut-Colonel T. P. Jones, M.B. RAMC assumed the duties of ADMA to this Divn. Yesterday the 29th inst. Vice Colonel J. Bently Mann, placed on the Sick list.
(Authority DMS MEF 558 I5 – June 28, 1915)
Appendix No 2
Nominal Roll of Casualties Amongst RAMC Officers of 42nd (East Lancashire) Division
Appendix No 3
[Inoculation Message]
Appendix No 4
Field Arrangements for the Attack on July 12, 1915
Appendix No 9
Special Instructions No 4.
Appendix ?
The Secretary to the Committee for the Medical History of the War
The names of the Officers Commanding the Field Ambulances of the 42nd Division on landing at the Dardanelles were as follows:-
Lt.-Colonel H. G. PARKER, 1/1st East Lancashire Field Ambulance
Lt.-Colonel W. B. PRITCHARD, 1/2nd East Lancashire Field Ambulance
Lt.-Colonel W. STEINTHALL, 1/3rd East Lancashire Field Ambulance
Lt. Colonel PRITCHARD died of wounds 29/6/15.
Lt.-Colonel STEINTHALL subsequently changed his name to HOWORTH (September, 1915).
August 1, 1915 (11:30am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Made inspection of new communication trench which is being dug from square 17.m.7 to join a trench (Cross Cut B?) at a point 300 yards S.E. of SOTIRI FARM. Also inspected Cross cut B from that point to CLAPHAM JUNCTION (square 17.i.6). These trenches were inspected with a view to evaluating their suitability as an alternative route for evacuation of wounded from centre and left of section held by this division. At present all this evacuation is carried out on line KANLI DERE which is often much exposed to fire. These communication trenches are in many places impractical for stretchers but when finished & widened will be useful.
5:30pm. Total number of stretchers in this division is 394 including those with regimental units and with Fld Ambulances.
5:30pm. Reported to VIII Army Corps.
August 2, 1915 (11:00am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Inspected dressing station lately taken from RND and situated on SIDD-EL-BAHR – KRITHIA road (square 17.x.I). This requires a good deal of improvement and arrangements are made accordingly. It is the point when sick and wounded carried by stretchers down line of evacuation MAL TEPE DERE are transferred to ambulance wagons.
August 3, 1915 (10:30am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Inspected a large shelter at Advanced Dressing Station 1/3rd Fld Ambulance on MAL TEPE DERE. This has been recently blown in by a shell but owing to good construction of shelter only casualties were two men slightly wounded. Ordered it to be rebuilt.
11:30am. Inspected some disused Turkish trenches 50 yards in front of our present support line and 50 yards East of MAL TEPE DERE (square 18.a.9). These are in some places piled high with enemy dead. Also many bodies in open between trenches. The latter it will not be possible to bury at present but under the strong sun they are becoming dried up and not so offensive as might be expected. As for the bodies in the trenches the only way is to fill in the trenches concerned and this will be done. These are the dead from the attack of 12th July.
1pm. 2 NCOs 1/3rd Fld Ambulance and 2 Ptes. 1/1st Fld Ambulance, recovered sick and wounded, rejoined their units.
4:30pm. Fld Ambulances had been ordered by me to hand in all unserviceable stretchers to AOD for repair. Depot now received that this has now been done. 21 altogether handed in., in most cases unserviceable through canvas splitting. I think that canvas now supplied for stretchers is of inferior quality.
August 4, 1915 (10:00am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Inspected communication trench (sap 12) now in process of construction from map square 17.m.7 to front trenches at 22.z.5. This trench is now practicable up to redoubt line. Fatigue parties still at work. Selected site for a dressing station on this sap 150 yards south of FIG TREE FARM (Map square 17.i.4).
3pm. OC 1/2nd Fld Ambulance ordered to prepare this site commencing tomorrow early. I propose to place another advanced dressing station here during an action involving left of the Division as the advanced dressing station at junction on KANLI DERE (Map square 17.i.6) is apt to become congested.
August 5, 1915 (11:00am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
A Motor Ambulance Wagon arrived sent under orders of VIII Army Corps on Loc’n from 29th Division. Headed over to the Advanced Dressing Station on S. W. KRITHIA road. This is in addition to the Motor ambulance Wagon placed there on 30th July.
2pm. With reference to site of new dressing station near FIG TREE FARM. Sent DADMS to left of front trenches to meet officers in medical charge battalions and officers of 1/2nd Fld Ambulance so as to arrange for RAMC and regimental stretcher bearers keeping in touch at any time when this dressing station is established.
5pm. Received Divisional Operation Order No 25 (Copy No 6) for tomorrow’s attack. 6th August.
August 6, 1915 (06:00am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Received Divisional Operation Order No 26 (Copy No 8) for tomorrow’s attack 7th August.
9am. Rode over road SOTIRI FARM – FIG TREE FARM to see if practicable for ambulance wagons. Decided to send them up to where communication trench cuts road 200 yards S. West of Advanced Dressing Station near FIG TREE FARM.
12:30 pm. Issued operational order to the Field Ambulances for this afternoon’s attack.
4pm. Sent Capt. BRIERCLIFFE, RAMC to the advanced dressing station near FIG TREE FARM to ascertain what wheeled transport required.
4:10pm. 1 Motor Ambulance Wagon arrived from VIII Army Corps. Total motors are now 3.
6pm. Capt. BRIERCLIFFE returned. Reported road SOTIRI FARM – FIG TREE FARM unsafe owing to spent bullets and that a few wounded were beginning to come in to the dressing station. Sent 1 motor ambulance wagon with orders to halt at SOTIRI FARM. Wounded to be brought there by trench LEITH WALK (Cross cut B).
6:30pm. Sent a second motor ambulance wagon for evacuation at Advanced Dressing station near FIG TREE FARM.
7pm. Sent Capt. DREW (DADMS) to visit advanced dressing station at CLAPHAM JUNCTION.
7:15pm. Visited Advanced Dressing Station on NO 3 road. Additional wheeled transport required. Ordered OC 1/3rd Fld Ambulance to send 3 G.S. Wagons to this point. On this being completed with, the wheeled transport at this station would comprise 1 Motor ambulance wagon, 2 Mk. V ambulance wagons & 3 G.S. wagons.
7:30 pm. DADMS returned from CLAPHAM JUNCTION. Reported evacuation proceeding satisfactorily.
9:45pm. In today’s action only 1 battalion, the 1/5th Manchesters of this Division was engaged. GOC 127th Bde. Reports estimated casualties of the battle as 214. Reports from my Fld Ambulances now received show 108 wounded passed through Advanced [Dressing Station] to 11 Casualty Clearing Station, but a few more continue to come in. No congestion of lines anywhere. 92 wounded of 29th Division also dealt with by Fld Ambulances of this division.
2 NCOs & men 1/2nd E. Lancs Fld Ambulance wounded, both slight.
10:40pm. Issued Operational Order to the Field Ambulances for tomorrow’s attack (7th inst.).
August 7, 1915 (07:30am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
OC Advanced dressing Station on No 3 Road reports 49 cases brought in since 9:30pm last night. Of which 20 are 29th Division. All wounded reported cleared. Total for 42nd Division yesterday’s action = 137.
8:20am. The DADMS (Capt. DREW) who had been sent to visit Advanced Dressing Station near FIG TREE FARM reports that only few wounded coming in there now and that 1 Motor Ambulance wagon would be sufficient.
9:00am. Rode to main dressing station 1/3rd Field Ambulance. Informed OC that the trench known as MULE TRACK on MAL TEPE DERE line of evacuation might at times between 2pm and 6pm become congested owing to mules bringing up supplies and that consequently wounded on stretchers might occasionally be held up.
9:00am. Lieut. HASKINS, RAMC 1/3rd E. Lancs Field Ambulance reported wounded.
9:20am. Asked ADMS RND for 4 stretcher squads. These are for transport from the advanced dressing station on No 3 road of cases for which wheeled transport is unsuitable.
9:40am. Asked OC 89th Fld Ambulance 29th Division for 3 motor ambulance wagons.
12:30pm. 2 Motor ambulance wagons sent by 89th Fld Ambulance arrived also 1 sent by ADMS RND. Two of these wagons sent to fork on SIDD-El-BAHR – HRITHIA road and one sent to SOTIRI FARM.
2:45pm. Message received from OC Advanced Dressing Station S. West of BROWN HOUSE asking for more bearers. Ordered up the reserve bearers sub-division from 1/3rd Fld Ambulance.
2:50pm. Signal message received from 127th Bde. Asking for help in evacuating wounded. Asked ADMS 52nd Division to send me 2 bearer sub-divisions as quickly as possible.
4:30pm. The 2 bearer sub-divs. of 52nd Division arrived but only at about half strength. 12 extra stretchers sent. Directed to report to OC Advanced Dressing Station CLAPHAM JUNCTION. 127th Bde. directed to apply these for assistance.
Signal message sent to OC 11 Casualty Clearing Station asking for stretchers to be returned. Reports show that they are beginning to run short on the lines of evacuation.
4:55pm. Asked by signal message to ADMS RND to let me know further number of stretcher bearers and stretchers he could spare, as the wounded are reported to be accumulating.
5:40pm. Reply from ADMS RND that he had ordered 4 squads from his 1st Fld Ambulance to relieve those sent in reply to my signal message at 9:20am today and also a bearer sub-division from his 3rd Fld Ambulance. Ordered the bearer sub-division to report to OC Advanced Dressing Station near BROWN HOUSE on MAL TEPE DERE. Sent the remaining 4 squads to Advanced Dressing Station on No 3 road in relief.
Informed ADMS RND that I expected to employ his bearers until a late hour.
9:30pm. Wounded have been coming in fast throughout the afternoon but there is no congestion anywhere and they have been got in to Casualty Clearing Station quickly.
ADMS 52nd Division sends 24 bearers and 24 stretchers. The latter are especially opportune as stretchers are becoming short on KANLI DERE LINE. Sent these to Advanced Dressing Station on No 3 road to pass up the line.
10pm. The Casualty Clearing Station still fail to return the stretchers. Sent a signal message to OC asking that return might be ensured.
Reports received up to this hour show that 710 of all ranks of this Division have passed through Dressing Stations to Cas Cl Station since commencement of today’s action. This includes 1 officer and 8 other ranks RAMC wounded but more seriously. The bearers of the RND lost 1 killed and 1 wounded.
In addition to the Fld Ambulances of this division there have been employed: 2 ½ bearer sub-divisions, 52nd Division and 1 ½ bearer sub-divisions RND. These sub-divisions were however below strength and as my Fld Ambulances are 9 officers and 140 other ranks below establishment the extra troops were barely sufficient to make up the deficiency.
11:30pm. Received signal message from 125th Inf. Bde. to say that 1/6th Lancs Fusiliers were in urgent need of stretchers. Sent message to OC Advanced Dressing Station CLAPHAM JUNCTION to send up 12 stretchers to this battalion.
August 8, 1915 (06:00am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Sent message to OC 1/3rd Fld Ambulance to direct bearer sub-division of RN Division to return to their unit as they were no longer required. Sent similar message to OC Advanced Dressing Station on No 3 road with reference to the 4 squads which had been detailed to him from same division.
11am. Sent message to OC Advanced Dressing Station on No 3 road to direct the 2 bearer sub-divisions of 52nd Division to return to their units as they were no longer necessary.
11:30am. Rode to 11th Casualty Clearing Station at LANCASHIRE LANDING to inform OC that it was a vital matter not to let stretchers run short in regimental aid posts and that I could not keep up supply in front during an action if my stretchers were being detained at the Casualty Clearing Station. Otherwise the communication trenches will get blocked with wounded. OC Casualty Clearing Station will try to expedite return but points out that he is so short of stretchers himself that he is normally obliged to retain them in order to put the wounded on board ship.
2:30pm. It being probable that a further action will take place this evening I sent out my DADMS (Capt. DREW) to visit the advanced dressing stations and regimental aid posts, proceeding up the MAL TEPE DERE line, crossing to the left by the trenches and returning by the KANLI DERE line. This was to ensure that battalions were in possession of their stretchers and that touch was being maintained between the Fld Ambulance and Regimental Stretcher bearers.
5pm. Reports received from the Fld Ambulances showing the total number of wounded from this Division who have been admitted and sent to Casualty Clearing Station. These numbers are for the action of yesterday 7th August.
1/1st Fld Ambulance = 372. 1/2nd Fld Ambulance = 27. 1/3rd Fld Ambulance = 543.
This makes a total of 942. In addition, 25 NCOs & men of other division were dealt with.
5:55pm. Returned to RND the additional motor ambulance wagon which had been supplied by ADMS.
Directed the 2 bearer sub-divisions which had been directed from 1/2nd Fld Ambulance and placed at disposal of 1/1st Fld Ambulance to be returned to their unit.
6pm. Received letter from VIII Army Corps complementing RAMC on smoothness and efficiency of evacuation of wounded in action of yesterday. The Major General Commanding also expressed his great satisfaction.
August 9, 1915 (9:45pm. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Withdrew all horsed ambulance transport to the transport lines of Fld Ambulances except the Mk. V ambulance wagon at SOTIRI FARM. The 3 motor ambulance wagons are sufficient for the casualties occurring now and for the daily sick.
12:50pm. The DADMS who had been sent to the visit the advanced dressing station near FIR TREE FARM returned & reported that there was now no necessity for this dressing station. Ordered OC 1/2nd Fld Ambulance to close at 12 noon tomorrow, leaving a guard. GOC’s 126th & 127th Bdes. informed.
August 10, 1915 (8:30pm. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Arranged for the taking of medical evidence in the 56 cases of suspected self-inflicted wounds which have occurred recently & chiefly in fight of 7th inst. These have been reported by OCs Fld Ambulances & OC 11 Casualty Clearing Station. They are being detained on the Peninsula.
August 11, 1915 (4:00pm. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Application sent to GHQ for 6 officers to replace casualties in the Field Ambulances of this division. Charcoal respirators for use by burying parties made by RAMC and issued to Brigades.
August 12, 1915 (4:45pm. Gallipoli Peninsula)
The division moves out of the trenches into bivouac tomorrow, on relief by 52nd Division. Orders issued for handing over of sites of dressing stations.
7:30pm. An enemy attack proceeding. Received information that we might make a counter attack might be made during night. Ordered OC 1/2nd Fld Ambulance to send 2 bearer sub-divisions to be placed at disposal of OC 1/1st Fld Ambulance on KANLI DERE line of evacuation. This party to bring all available stretchers. 2 motor ambulance wagons already on this line. Sent 20 extra stretchers to OC 1/3rd Fls Ambulance and placed 2 Mk. V ambulance wagons at his disposal. This is in addition to 1 Motor Ambulance wagon already with him for MAL TEPE DERE line of evacuation.
August 13, 1915 (6:20am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
No counter attack was made. Up to this hour 63 wounded had passed down MAL TEPE DERE and 7 wounded down KANLI DERE line. All had proceeded smoothly. Most of these were got down before midnight.
8:10am. The 2 bearer sub-divisions of 1/2nd Fld Ambulance ordered to return to their unit.
9am. OC 1/1st Fld Ambulance reported 16 remaining wounded sent to Casualty Clearing Station from MAL ETEPE DERE line. This completes clearing of wounded from the enemy attack. Total 79.
10am. On 42nd Division leaving trenches, the dressing stations were handed over to Field Ambulances of 52nd Division.
9:30pm. Motor ambulance wagon No 4 B transferred to 52nd Division by order of DDMS, VIII Army Corps.
August 14, 1915 (08:00am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
With the division in resting the disposal of the sick from the different brigades is as follows. The necessary draft has been furnished for Divisional Routine Orders. 125th Inf. Bde. to 1/3rd Fld Ambulance. 126th Inf. Bde. to 1/2nd Fld Ambulance. 127th Inf. Bde. to 1/1st Fld Ambulance.
9am. Men suffering from wounds supposed to have been self-inflicted have been concentrated in 1/3rd Fld Ambulance which has necessitated an enlargement of the bivouac and shelters occupied by this unit. This party includes men coming under the above category who have been re-transferred from No 11 Casualty Clearing Station. The total number is 56.
August 15, 1915 (11:00am. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Field Ambulances ordered to refit and replenish their equipment while they are concentrated and while division is resting.
6:30pm. Anticholera inoculation which has hitherto been only partially done owing to operations is now to be pushed through and completed at rate of 2 battalions a day. Arranged with GOC 125th Inf. Bde. for sanitary officer to commence with his brigade tomorrow.
August 16, 1915 (6:00pm. Gallipoli Peninsula)
OCs 1/1st & 1/2nd Fld Ambulances had been directed by me to each send a man to AOD to repair stretchers with split canvas. 21 stretchers have been repaired in this way by RAMC labour & returned to the Fld Ambulances. Have now issued an order to each Fld Ambulance to indent on AOD for canvas bottoms & leather strips for repair of unserviceable stretchers locally, thus obviating delay of sending in to AOD.
August 17, 1915 (6:00pm. Gallipoli Peninsula)
To prevent congestion on L. of C. Fld Ambulances have been directed to keep men likely to recover within a few days. Extra shelters have now been completed for this purpose and each Fld Ambulance can now accommodate 50.
August 18, 1915 (Gallipoli Peninsula)
No entry.
August 19, 1915 (1:10pm. Gallipoli Peninsula)
Received orders that this Division will relieve 29th Division in Left Section of defences today. Troops to be in position by 6pm.
Ordered 1/1st Fld Ambulance to form an advanced dressing station (1 section) at Y Beach.
Ordered 1/2nd Fld Ambulance to form an advanced dressing station (1 section) at EAST ANGLIA GULLY near top end of GULLY RAVINE behind first barricade.
Ordered 1/3rd Fld Ambulance to send one section to take over the existing main dressing station at GULLY BEACH.
August 20, 1915 (2:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
Divisional Headquarters established at GULLY BEACH. Unable to bring up the remainder of my Field Ambulances yet as ground not yet vacated by Field Ambulances of 29th Division.
August 21, 1915 (6:00am. GULLY BEACH)
The Fld Ambulances of 29th Division have now left with the exception of their transport and some details and stores. Arranged to have these details closed up and ground cleared as far as possible.
10am. Inspected area. The section is sub-divided as follows:
Right Sub-Section. From a point 50 yards NW of the northern barrier in H.12 to and including the communication trench 100 yards NW of the “S” of SCRUB.
Left Sub-Section. From the above communication trench (exclusive) to the sea.
There are 2 main lines of evacuation.
From Right Sub-Section down GULLY RAVINE to GULLY BEACH.
From Left Sub-Section down “Y” RAVINE to “Y” BEACH and thence by road below cliff to GULLY BEACH.
Both lines converge on GULLY BEACH from which place further evacuation is made direct to trawler (for hospital ship) or by road to No 11 Casualty Clearing Station in other cases.
A Brigade of RND who hold the section on right of the division evacuate from their left down GULLY RAVINE to the main dressing station at ABERDEEN GULLY.
August 22, 1915 (12:40pm. GULLY BEACH)
Issued Operational Order. [RAMC 42nd Division Operational Order NO 3]
1pm. Ordered all patients in 1/1st Fld Ambulance & in 1/3rd Fld Ambulance whom it is not proposed to send to Casualty Clearing Station to be transferred to 1/2nd Fld Ambulance.
2pm. Inspected Advanced Dressing Station at Y Beach and at EAST ANGLIA GULLY.
August 23, 1915 (2:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
Withdrew the section of 1/2nd Fld Ambulance from EAST ANGLIA GULLY. The distribution of Field Ambulances is now as follows:
1/3rd Fld Ambulance. Right Sub-Section line of evacuation.
1/1st Fld Ambulance. Left Sub-Section line of evacuation.
1/2nd Fld Ambulance. In reserve.
August 24, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
DADMS visited Right Sub-Section of trenches. Received instructions from GHQ to send a daily return of sick & wounded admitted for treatment during 24 hours previously, in the Division.
August 25, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
DADMS visited Left Sub-Section of trenches. Received Div. Op. Order directing 126th Bde. to relieve 125th Bde. in Right Sub-Section today. 125th Bde. (less 1 Batt. In Div. Reserve) to be in Corps Reserve. No change in my dispositions entailed.
August 26, 1915 (9:00am. GULLY BEACH)
90 NCOs & men RAMC arrived as reinforcements for the Fld Ambulances of this division and also 3 NCOs & men returned recovered after having been sent to base as sick & wounded. To units as follows: To 11/1st Fld Ambulance 27 NCOs & men. To 1/2nd Fld Ambulance 25 NCOs & men. To 1/3rd Fld Ambulance 41 NCOs & men.
2:30pm. Visited the trenches in the section of defences held by this division. Found everything satisfactory and that all regimental aid posts were in touch with the advanced dressing stations of the Field Ambulances.
6pm. Trawler sent to bring off sick & wounded to Hospital Ship could not approach pier owing to shell fire. Evacuation carried out to No 11 Casualty Clearing Station by motor ambulance wagons.
August 27, 1915 (9:30am. GULLY BEACH)
Lieut. A. M. MACKAY 1/1st E. Lancs Fld Ambulance rejoined his unit. This officer had been detached for duty with force in Egypt.
3:35pm. Signal received from ADMS Advanced Base that trawler would not call owing to rough weather. Ordered Fld Ambulances to evacuate all cases to 11 Casualty Clearing Station.
August 28, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Lieut. BRENTNALL, RAMC in medical charge 1/6th Lancashire Fusiliers reported sick, sent to Base.
4pm. Signal received. No trawler. Evacuation ordered to 11 Casualty Clearing Station.
August 29, 1915 (6:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
Lieut. (Qr. Mr.) ANDERTON 1/3 (E.L.) Fld Ambulance sent sick to base.
August 30, 1915 (9:30am. GULLY BEACH)
Lieuts. W. TURNER and A. M. GIBSON 1/2nd Fld Ambulance also Lieut. F. B. SMITH 1/3rd Fld Ambulance arrived from England to join their respective units.
12 Noon. Issued order directing Major W. L. BENILY, RAMC to be temporarily transferred from 1/1st Fld Ambulance to 1/2nd Fld Ambulance and to command the unit. From 1st Sept, 1915 inclusive.
August 31, 1915 (12 Noon. GULLY BEACH)
Issued order directing Major T. FRANKISH, RAMC to be transferred from attached 1/9th Manchester Regiment to 1/3rd Fld Ambulance and for Temp Lieut. C. H. NASH, RAMC 1/1st Fld Ambulance to be attached to 1/9th Manchester Regt.
6pm. Received Divisional Operation Order directing 125th Inf. Bde. to relieve 127th Inf. Bde. in Left Sub-Section on 2nd Sept. 127th Bde. (less 1 Batt in Div. Reserve) to be in Corps Reserve on GULLY BEACH. This does not entail any change in my dispositions.
Royal Army medical Corps 42nd (E. Lancs) Division Operational Orders No 1.
Royal Army medical Corps 42nd (E. Lancs) Division Operational Orders No 2.
Royal Army medical Corps 42nd (E. Lancs) Division Operational Orders No 3.
September 1, 1915 (9:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Lieut. BAILEY 1/1st (E. Lancs) Fld Ambulance who had been wounded, rejoined unit from base.
10am. Ordered OC 1/2nd Fld Ambulance to send an officer to replace Lieut. BRENTNALL sick to base.
6pm. No trawler arrived. All sick and wounded for base transferred to 11 Casualty Clearing Station.
September 2, 1915 (10:30am. GULLY BEACH)
Received signal from 1st Australian Field Artillery (attached to 42nd Division for administration) that their medical officer had been sent away sick. Ordered OC 1/2nd Fld Ambulance to send an officer in relief.
September 3, 1915 (3:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
Together with DADMS attended conference pf Divisional ADMSs at VIII Army Corps HQrs. to consider cause and means of prevention of the prevailing diarrhea & dysentery. Opinion that this disease is largely amoebic dysentery. Water probably chief cause. Strict supervision to be kept over water purification. A few other details in connection with care of troops during winter season also discussed.
5:30pm. No trawler today. All sick & wounded for base transferred to 11 Casualty Clearing Station.
September 4, 1915 (9:30am. GULLY BEACH)
Together with divisional sanitary officer, made an inspection of water carts found that purification by chlorine was being carefully carried out in all cases.
September 5, 1915 (5:30pm. GULLY BEACH)
Capt. NORRIS, RAMC attached 1/6 Manchester Regt. Sent sick to base. OC 1/1st Fld Ambulance has been instructed to send an officer in relief.
September 6, 1915 (9:00am. GULLY BEACH)
OC 1/2nd (e. L.) Fld Ambulance reported return of officer sent on temporary duty to 1st Bn. Aust. Fld. Artillery.
11am. Health statistics of last week compiled. 57% daily have been admitted to Field Ambulance of which number 5% daily have been evacuated. This does not include wounded. This number shows an increase chiefly due to diarrhea and dysentery. GOC has written to VIII Army Corps asking for 2 deep wells to be sunk in upper end of GULLY RAVINE if possible. One has almost been completed in lower end of Ravine by 136th (Fortress) Coy R.E. & will probably prove satisfactory. Supply estimated at 15,000 gallons daily. It pierces an impermeable clay stratum at a depth of 22ft & is stained throughout with cement.
September 7, 1915 (2:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
Inspected Left Sub-Section up to support line. The Advanced Dressing Station at Y Beach will be untenable in heavy rains. Directed OC to look for alternative site a little higher up Y Ravine.
September 8, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
As the site for the water carts at SHRAPNEL POINT will be untenable in winter, have arranged with RE to fix tanks in BRUCE’S RAVINE to which water will be pumped from the wells. No water carts can be got up there. These tanks will supply the brigade in the Left Sub-Section and will bring the water much nearer than it is at present.
September 9, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Capt. BRIARCLIFFE the divisional sanitary officer reported sick & sent to L. of C. Major FRANKISH 1/3rd Field Ambulance takes over his duties temporarily.
September 10, 1915 (5:30pm. GULLY BEACH)
No trawler owing to rough weather. Sick & wounded for base sent to 11 Casualty Clearing Station. 126th Bde. relieved by 127th Bde. In Right Sub-Sector. No change in RAMC dispositions.
September 11, 1915 (5:30pm. GULLY BEACH)
Again, no trawler for same reason. Sick & wounded for hospital ship evacuated as above.
September 12, 1915 (12:30pm. GULLY BEACH)
Received signal from ADMS HELES that in future trawlers would only be sent in calm weather and that in this case a signal would be sent.
2:30pm. Together with DA & QMG inspected rest of front trenches of Right Sub-Section and also the wells in GULLY RAVINE. Decided to close all the small shallow wells for drinking purposes, their place being taken by deep well at mouth of RAVINE. Made up statistics for last week. [unfortunate turn of phrase] The return shows a daily average of 0.7%. This is the highest number yet reached and sickness seems to be still increasing. Chiefly diarrhea and dysentery.
September 13, 1915 (1:50pm. GULLY BEACH)
Received signal that trawler would be sent as weather calm. Lieut. H. WILSON 1/3rd Fld Ambulance reported sick and will be evacuated to L. of C.
September 14, 1915 (11:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Capt. BRIARCLIFFE reported his return from L. of C. and resumed duty of sanitary officer to the division. Furnished draft for Div. Routine Orders directing Regimental Sanitary Detachments to be always kept up to strength. In some cases, this had not been done.
September 15, 1915 (2:45pm. GULLY BEACH)
Inspected communication trenches between Y Ravine and GULLY RAVINE. This was to ascertain best route for evacuation from Left Sub-Section if at any time the road Y Beach – GULLY Beach became impassable owing to storms, etc. The communication trench leading into GULLY RAVINE 100 yards north of ZIG ZAG is the only practicable route.
September 16, 1915 (9:00am. GULLY BEACH)
27 RAMC (New Army) reinforcements arrived. Distributed as under:
1/1st Fld Ambulance 14. 1/2nd Fld Ambulance 10. 1/3rd Fld Ambulance 3
September 17, 1915 (8:00am. GULLY BEACH)
New well at mouth of GULLY RAVINE taken into use. Placed under direct control of sanitary officer. 1 NCO and 3 Ptes. RAMC placed on permanent water duty at this well. All other wells in GULLY RAVINE closed for drinking purposes.
4pm. Lieut. BEDALE 1/1st Fld Ambulance sent sick to L. of C.
September 18, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Together with AA & QMG proceeded to Left Sub-Section to fix on new site for an Advanced Dressing Station. Selected site at head of Y Ravine thus commanding 2 routes of evacuation either by Y Beach or by mule track leading into GULLY RAVINE 100 yards north of ZIG ZAG. Also selected sites for water tanks in BRUCE’S RAVINE.
Returned by mule track to GULLY RAVINE and selected a new site for the advanced dressing station at EAST ANGLIA GULLY. This is to be prepared and ready in case of rains making present position untenable. New site selected is on rising ground immediately north of EAST ANGLIA RAVINE.
September 19, 1915 (4:30pm. GULLY BEACH)
Inspected new wells being dug at GULLY FARM and on plateau East of GULLY RAVINE opposite GEOHEGAN’S BLUFF. These sites were fixed by geological expert sent from VIII Army Corps.
5:30pm. As the day was very calm a trawler was sent to GULLY BEACH to evacuate sick and wounded.
September 20, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Made up and forwarded to DDMS VIII Army Corps the health statistics for preceding week. Sick rate still high. 0.82% daily.
September 21, 1915 (9:00am. GULLY BEACH)
As the water in the new well at mouth of GULLY RAVINE shows a bad analysis by bacteriologists report, it is temporarily closed and further samples taken. Wells in former divisional area are being used instead.
12:45pm. Sent in DADOS a report on a simple wheeled stretcher carriage sent for trial. [Report in Appendix]
September 22, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
40 blanket stretchers have been sent to this division for use in trenches. Have issued one to each RAMC officer I/C unit for trial and report. [Description in Appendix]
September 23, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Sent sanitary officer to collect samples for analysis from certain wells in former bivouac area from which we still draw water. It is probable that the analysis of practically all the wells in the Peninsula will be unsatisfactory. Have decided to take samples of all available wells, retain, safeguard and purify the most satisfactory and close the others for drinking purposes. It has been difficult to obtain satisfactory data before as until now there has been no bacteriologist available.
September 24, 1915 (10:30am. GULLY BEACH)
Lt-Colonels BUCHANAN and BALFOUR, members of the Commission on Infectious Diseases visited the division. Accompanied them round bivouac area and five trenches.
125th Inf. Brigade relieved 127th Inf. Brigade in Right Sub-Section. No change in Fld Ambulance dispositions involved.
September 25, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
A “Thresh” Disinfector has arrived for the Division. Ordered up a section of 1/2nd Field Ambulance from X Beach to take charge of it. Bivouac for this section to be immediately north of 1/3rd Fld Ambulance. A site which has been decided on for the divisional disinfecting and cleansing station. [Which means they didn’t have one before]
September 26, 1915 (10:15am. GULLY BEACH)
Together with CRE visited wells at SHRAPNEL POINT. Arranged for cement coping and covers. These are essential to prevent storm water and contamination generally. This is the only possible water supply for the Left Sub-Section. The water is now being lid? into BRUCE’S RAVINE and it is hoped to raise it to level of trenches by means of a series of tanks and pumps.
11:30am. Also arranged with CRE details of construction of new Advanced Dressing Station at head of Y Ravine and at ABERDEEN GULLY.
September 27, 1915 (9:00am. GULLY BEACH)
From this date the garrisons are adjusted so as to leave half the division in the firing and support lines and the remainder in Divisional and Corps Reserve. This arrangement will give the men a fortnight’s rest in reserve instead of a week as formerly. The RAMC arrangement remains as before.
11:00am. VIII Army Corps asked that trawler should call daily of possible for evacuating of wounded direct from this beach.
September 28, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Made up statistics for health of Division in week ended 25th inst. The total number admitted into Field Ambulances daily was 0.7% and sent to L. of C. daily 0.65%. This is an improvement on last week but it will probably not continue to improve.
September 29, 1915 (10:30am. GULLY BEACH)
The 3rd E.L. Brigade RFA and the 4th Battery of 1st E.L. Brigade RFA have now arrived. As the batteries of the 1st and 3rd Brigades are much separated have arranged with OC Right Group RA as to distribution of work among RAMC officers attached. As the 4th, 5th and 19th Batteries are situated out of this area between SOTIRI FARM and KANLI DERE their sick and wounded for admission to hospital will be sent to Fld Ambulances of 52nd Division and a similar arrangement has been made for the 6th and 20th Batteries situated in the MAL TEPE DERE.
5:30pm. Lt-Col. HOWORTH commanding 1/3rd E.L. Fld Ambulance transferred sick to L. of C. The next senior officer, Major COX, now commands the unit.
September 30, 1915 (11:00am. GULLY BEACH)
The 40 blanket stretchers sent on 22nd inst. for use in trenches have now been thoroughly tested. All my officers concur in reporting that this is even less adapted for trench warfare than the ordinary Mk. I and Mk. II patterns. It is equally long and is 10 ½ inches broader. The idea apparently is to narrow the stretcher by removal of the traverses, but this would cause much discomfort and possible injury while the regulation stretchers can be easily narrowed by pushing in the hinged traverse slightly. No stretcher is of any use in fire trenches as the necessary length renders it impossible to take it round traverses. The only practical method is to remove wounded by hand or in a blanket.
The blanket stretchers may be used by taking out poles and traverses and transporting the wounded men in the blanket but until clear of the trench, when poles and traverses can be inserted, but this possesses no advantage from carrying in a blanket as usual and subsequent transfer to an ordinary stretcher. The blanket stretcher also has the disadvantage of having no supports to keep the patient off the ground if it becomes necessary to lower the stretcher. These stretchers are being retained for use in Field Ambulance Tent Divisions where they make excellent beds if supported on trestles.
October 1, 1915 (11:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Return of enteric and cholera inoculation rendered to DMS GHQ. This return is to be rendered on 1st of every month. Percentage of all troops fully inoculated against enteric 97.04, against cholera 95.03.
AFO 1810 received from 3rd Echelon for my Fld Ambulances shows the number drowned by sinking “Royal Edward” to be as under:
1st Fld Ambulance Lt. HEYHURST & 18 NCOs and men. 2nd Fld Ambulance 34 NCOs and men. 3rd Fld Ambulance Capt. MARSHALL and 3 NCOs and men.
October 2, 1915 (3:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
Inspected Advanced Dressing Station at EAST ANGLIA GULLY. Work on new site getting on. Site for dug outs for personnel finished. Site for the shelter for sick and wounded requires more sinking and front protection not yet completed.
October 3, 1915 (11:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Made up statistics for week ended yesterday. Health not so good as last week. Total of sick = 0.97% and total sick evacuated from peninsula = 0.87% daily.
October 4, 1915 (2:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
Inspected five communication trenches in Left Sub-Sector. Sanitary state of the trenches good generally. Latrines in some cases insufficiently protected and latrine boxes generally minus lids which are taken for firewood. A cover of sacking soaked in heavy oil is to be used. Brigades are to fix responsibility for public latrines in their area.
October 5, 1915 (GULLY BEACH)
87th Fld Ambulance of 29th Division reported its arrival and given bivouac area 300 yards from mouth of GULLY RAVINE on left bank. They are here temporarily but available for duty.
October 6, 1915 (7:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
OC 1/1st Fld Ambulance informed that additional casualties might be expected during night in Left Sub-Sector and to inform OC his Advanced Dressing Station.
October 7, 1915 (06:00am. GULLY BEACH)
No special casualties occurred last night. Normal amount of bomb wounds. etc.
The site for the Thresh Disinfector has now been completed and work has commenced. The present intention is to pass through this disinfector the clothing and blankets of the troops of the Division in Corps Reserve. It is capable of dealing with 100 sets of the above daily.
3pm. A working party of 20 NCOs and men ordered to be furnished by 87th Fld Ambulance for the new Advanced Dressing Station at top of Y Ravine.
October 8, 1915 (09:30am. GULLY BEACH)
The South Eastern Mounted Brigade arrived last night and is attached to this Division. Strength 68 officers, 1,431 other ranks. Royal East Kent Yeomanry, West Kent Yeomanry & Sussex Yeomanry. SE Mounted Brigade Fld Ambulance (6 officers, 99 other ranks).
October 9, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Further experiments show that well at mouth of GULLY RAVINE is unlikely to furnish satisfactory water. It will therefore be classified as fit for washing and watering animals only.
October 10, 1915 (10:30am. GULLY BEACH)
Working party of 20 NCOs and men ordered to be furnished by 87th Fld Ambulance for new Advanced Dressing Station at EAST ANGLIA GULLY.
2:30pm. Inspected fire and support trenches in Left Sub-Section. Sanitary conditions good. Health of troops very fair. Two blankets a man are now issued.
October 11, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Anti cholera inoculation of S. E. Mounted Brigade commenced.
October 12, 1915 (11:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Application sent in for the 6 Ambulance Wagons Mk. V and the 2 water carts left by the Fld Ambulances if this division at ALEXANDRIA to be sent up. A previous application was submitted on 28th July to which there has been no answer.
October 13, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Inspected bivouacs of S. E. Mounted Brigade in GULLY RAVINE. In good sanitary condition. Noted that water testing boxes not supplied with their water carts. Directed these to be indented for from AOD.
October 14, 1915 (10:30am. GULLY BEACH)
Lt-Col. W. R. MATHEWS took over command of 1/2nd Fld Ambulance, vice Major W. L. BENTLEY who rejoined his unit (Authority WO Letter 9/Medical/5519 (TF 3) of 22/9/15).
3pm. The digging on the sites for new Advanced Dressing Stations now almost completed. Sandbags and other material sent up. 2,000 sandbags for each.
October 15, 1915 (08:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Ordered the S. E. Mounted Brigade Fld Ambulance & 87th Fld Ambulance in GULLY RAVINE to strike their tents as they are likely to attract aeroplane observation. No Red Cross Flags are flown by these units at present as they are not receiving sick and wounded and are closed up with other troops.
9am. From this date and hour all evacuations from the division, less those carried out direct to Hospital Ships from GULLY BEACH, will be to 17 Stationary Hospital, X Beach which takes the place of 11 Casualty clearing Station as far as this division is concerned.
10:30am. Ordered 1/2nd E. L. Fld Ambulance to move to GULLY BEACH from X Beach and bivouac on ground at present occupied by their section sent to prepare the site on 25th Sept.
October 16, 1915 (07:00am. GULLY BEACH)
One officer and 1 NCO sent to ALEXANDRA to bring up base kits of officers.
9:30am. Colonel Sir VICTOR HORSLEY visited the division with a view to ascertaining the conditions under which the treatment of wounded was being carried out. Accompanied him round fire and communication trenches, aid posts and dressing stations.
2pm. Colonel Sir VICTOR HORSLEY addressed a conference of my officers on various points of surgical procedure with reference to wound treatment.
October 17, 1915 (12 Noon. GULLY BEACH)
Made up statistics for previous week. Total number = 0.74% daily of which number 0.7% were evacuated to the Clearing & Stationary Hospitals.
October 18, 1915 (2:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
Ordered each of the 42nd Division Fld Ambulances to detail 5 Ptes. for duty with the transport section as latter is under strength.
October 19, 1915 (09:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Reinforcements arrived and were posted as under:
12 NCOs and 40 Ptes. to 1/1st E. Lancs Fld Ambulance
- Lts. SILLS and MAXWELL. 1 NCO (TF) and 43 Ptes. (TF) to 87th Fld Ambulance of 29th Division
- Lt. W. DOYLE to medical charge of 14th Siege & 460th Heavy Batteries RGA of 29th Division. These batteries are in my administrative area.
October 20, 1915 (09:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Capt. W. ROGERS reported arrival for duty with East Lancashire Field Ambulances and was posted to 1/3rd Fld Ambulance.
11:30am. Recommendations for distinguished services submitted for Capt. C. M. DREW, Lieut. J. MORLEY, Cpl. N. ASHWORTH and Pte. I. A. HODGES.
October 21, 1915 (06:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Took on duties of DDMS VIII Army Corps temporarily vice Colonel M. T. YARR, C.B. proceeded for rest on hospital ship.
6pm. 11 NCOs out of last reinforcements returned to OC 11 Casualty Clearing Station in accordance with signed message received from Divn.
October 22, 1915 (1:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
Severe weather has come on. Rain and high wind. State of roads so greasy as to stop motor transport. Delay in consequence in evacuating from GULLY BEACH to 17 Stationary Hospital with the 3 Horsed Ambulance Wagons at my disposal.
October 23, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Weather still bad and roads greasy. Requested DAQMG to obtain 2 additional horsed ambulance wagons from Transport Depot also to exchange one ambulance wagon requiring repairs.
5pm. Roads drying up and motor transport practicable. 5 motor ambulance wagons arrived from 11 Casualty Clearing Station. These were sent in answer to my request by telephone as the extra wagons asked for in the morning had not come and the evacuation of sick and wounded was being delayed. These 5 vehicles cleared the dressing stations. Relinquished duties of DDMS VIII Army Corps on return of Colonel YARR.
5:30pm. The 2 extra horsed ambulance wagons and the ambulance wagon for exchange arrived and were taken on strength of Fld Ambulances.
October 24, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Roads dried up. Motor ambulance wagons carrying out evacuation from GULLY BEACH to 17 Stationary Hospital as normal.
2:45pm. Inspected new advanced dressing station at EAST ANGLIA GULLY. This dressing station is mow roofed for ¾ of its extent. Directed epanlement in front to be thickened and terrace for dug outs of the section lowered.
4pm. Inspected new advanced dressing station being prepared for Left Sub-Section at head of Y Ravine. Site dug and wells sandbagged. No roof available as yet. Requested CRE to supply timbers pending arrival of corrugated iron so that tarpaulins might be used in case of an action when it would become necessary to occupy this dressing station.
October 25, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
The reinforcements arrived on 19th inst. being regular RAMC belonging to Home Hospitals Reserve or to New Army, I directed Field Ambulance Commanders to show them on all returns as Regular RAMC attached.
12 Noon. Requested CRE to either weather board or sandbag up the front side of main dressing station 1/3rd Fld Ambulance so as to give more protection from the weather. Sandbags decided on. This is a temporary measure pending arrival of material for building the dressing station according to pattern laid down.
October 26, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Made up statistics for week ended 23rd inst. The sick rate remains about the same. 0.77% daily.
The S. E. Mounted Brigade ordered to find the working party (2 NCOs & 30 men) for the main dressing station at EAST ANGLIA GULLY from this date. This relieves the party from 87th Fld Ambulance.
October 27, 1915 (11:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Ordered a dug out for the drivers to be made at the Ambulance Wagon Halt, 250 yards North of ESKI LINE.
October 28, 1915 (2:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
Directed the Field Ambulance Transport Lines on right bank of GULLY RAVINE 200 yards from GULLY BEACH to be re-constructed. Daily working party from each East Lancs Fld. Ambulance ordered for this purpose. 6 men from each unit. When this is completed all the animals & vehicles of the 3 East Lancs Fld. Ambulances will be parked together. The transport personnel will bivouac on other bank of GULLY RAVINE, except stable guard which will bivouac at horse lines.
October 29, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
50 hot water bottles received from Red Cross Society. These were sent in answer to a request from me as it is considered that they will be very useful in cold weather and also in cases of shock, etc. These would be a useful addition to the equipment of Field Ambulances. Distribution made to all Field Ambulances and to each regimental aid post.
2:30pm. Inspected office and books 1/3rd Fld Ambulance and found all satisfactory but OC states that supply of A&D books, army forms & stationary as Base Stationary Depot has not complied with indents.
October 30, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Inspected wells & pools in GULLY RAVINE with a view to taking precautions against malaria as it has been reported from L. of c. that a few cases have occurred connected to Peninsula. There are a number of wells and some pools in this ravine where mosquitos are breeding. The malaria carrying mosquito has been discovered In the French Lines but has not so far been discovered in this area. The larvae of other forms of mosquito have however been found which are capable of conveying other forms of fever.
If the malaria carrying mosquito does exist it is probable that the disease will spread owing to infection from the Indian Mule Drivers and from others who have come from malaria infected countries.
3pm. Made arrangements as follows for drafts at School of Instruction GULLY BEACH. Detachment from 125th Inf. Brigade in medical charge of RAMC officer attached 1/5th Lancs Fusiliers other details in medical charge of RAMC officer attached to 1/10th Manchester Regt.
October 31, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Proposals for dealing with water in GULLY RAVINE sent in to AA&QMG. [Lt-Col. REGINALD J. SLAUGHTER] All wells to be re-numbered, labelled and have covers fitted. Any well when not required to have cover screwed down. Tanks and barrels not in use to be removed or turned upside down. Pools & small collections of standing water to be dealt with by RAMC.
12 Noon. Proposals concurred in. Squad of 1 NCO and 5 men detached for above purpose from 1/2nd Fld Ambulance. This squad is placed under immediate control of Divisional sanitary officer.
6pm. Made up number of Royal Army Medical Corps of this division who have been killed and wounded in action since date of Division landing on Peninsula (6th May, 1915) to present date. Total 123 of all ranks.
Appendix No 19
RAMC Killed and Wounded for Period 6/5/15 to /31/10/15
November 1, 1915 (9:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Made up the statistics for week ended 30th October, 1915. Total sick from all causes = 488 representing an average of 0.75% daily on strength of Division.
November 2, 1915 (9:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Squad for dealing with mosquito breeding places in GULLY RAVINE commenced work.
2pm. Have represented to DDMS VIII Army Corps that units of 29th Division which are at present in this area have no RAMC NCOs and men attached as laid down in War Establishments and have asked if there may be detailed from 87th Field Ambulance which is the only unit of 29th Division available. RAMC NCOs and men are attached to all units of 42nd Division and are found invaluable. Wastage is replaced from the divisional Field Ambulances. Reply now received from DDMS VIII Army Corps that W. Office ruling received by 29th Division before leaving England laid down that no RAMC were available for this purpose.
November 3, 1915 (5:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
New administrative areas and subareas published.
Divisional Area
EASTERN BOUNDARY. The road running N.E. from the cross roads 600 yards S.W. of PINNK FARM as far as E of GULLY RAVINE thence in a straight line to point of junction between squares 22 O and 22 U.
SOUTHERN BOUNDARY. The road running N.W. from the cross roads 600 yards S.W. of PINK FARM to GULLY BEACH.
WESTERN BOUNDARY. The coast line from GULLY BEACH to the firing line.
NORTHERN BOUNDARY. The firing line from the Eastern Boundary to the sea.
Administrative Sub-Areas
‘A’ The tactical area on the left bank of, and including, GULLY RAVINE as far back as LANCASHIRE STREET and ZIG ZAG (both inclusive).
‘B’ The tactical area on the right bank of GULLY RAVINE as far back as and including the trench running S from ‘P’ point to GULLY RAVINE (Western Mule Track).
‘C’ The portion of the Divisional Area from the boundaries of ‘A’ and ‘B’ to the rear trenches of the ESKI LINE (inclusive).
‘D’ The remainder of the Divisional Area.
November 4, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
6 Ambulance Wagons Mk. VI arrived for the Division. 4 Horsed Ambulance Wagons on loan now returned to VIII Army Corps depot. Total horsed ambulance wagons now available = 7. Two additional wagons have been returned to AOD for repair.
November 5, 1915 (10:30am. GULLY BEACH)
Present site of advanced bearer post at GEOHEGANS BLUFF is likely to be flooded in raining season and also does not afford sufficient cover from fire. New site selected adjoining. Ordered to be dug in by personnel of post.
November 6, 1915 (12 Noon. GULLY BEACH)
Observed that floors of dug outs for personnel in new advanced dressing station at Y RAVINE are not deep enough, thereby using an excessive number of sandbags and giving inferior protection. Ordered to be dug deeper. Also requested CRE to strengthen timber supports of roof of this dressing station sufficient to support a covering 2 sandbags thick.
November 7, 1915 (2:15pm. GULLY BEACH)
South Eastern Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance ordered to relieve tomorrow the section of the 1/1st East Lancs Fld Ambulance in the Left Sub-Section.
3pm. Working party of 1 NCO & 20 men hitherto employed at Y Ravine, from 87th Fld Ambulance, ordered to be sent to EAST ANGLIA GULLY from tomorrow morning.
Working party of 1 NCO & 12 men from 87th Fld Ambulance ordered to commence work tomorrow morning at Wagon Halt near Divisional HQrs. The intention is to make a deep cutting at the bend of the road so that the motor ambulance wagons may halt there out of the way of traffic.
November 8, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Made up statistics for week ended 6th Nov. Total sick from all causes, averages 0.52% daily of strength of Division. This does not include wounded of whom there have been 19.
6:45pm. Signal received from VIII Army Corps that 87th Fld Ambulance is to proceed to MUDROS EAST by ferry on night of 10th – 11th inst. This Fld Ambulance of 29th Division came with 98th Brigade on 5th October. It has been bivouacked in this area but has not been employed except in furnishing working parties.
November 9, 1915 (11:00am. GULLY BEACH)
8,500 sandbags for Winter quarters RAMC drawn from RE and distributed as under. This for personnel only:
1/1st East Lancs Fld Ambulance 1,000 for Main Dressing Station
S.E. Mted. Brig. Fld Ambulance 1,000 for use at Y RAVINE
1/2nd East Lancs Fld Ambulance 2,000 for Main Dressing Station
1/3rd East Lancs Fld Ambulance 1,000 for Main Dressing Station
1/3rd East Lancs Fld Ambulance 1,000 for EAST ANGLIA GULLY advanced dressing station
1/2nd East Lancs Fld Ambulance 2,500 in reserve at disposal of ADMS
November 10, 1915 (12 Noon. GULLY BEACH)
Working party of 1 NCO & 10 men from 1/1st E. Lancs Fld Ambulance ordered to replace the party formed by 87th Fld Ambulance for Wagon Halt at Divisional Headquarters.
November 11, 1915 (9:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Sudden storm during night but little damage done to beach road in front of Fld Ambulances as heavy stones have been and are being laid down so as to form a sea wall.
November 12, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Inspected Gas Helmets of RAMC in accordance with order received form GS. 18 were found defective. These were ordered to be sent to AOD for replacement.
November 13, 1915 (10:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
Nothing to note.
November 14, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Made up statistics for week ended 13/11/15. Total sick during week averaged 0.59% daily a slight increase on last week’s return. Nothing special to note. There were 30 wounded in addition.
November 15, 1915 (09:30am. GULLY BEACH)
Lt, Col. DUDGEON RAMC one of the special service officers on staff of PDMS MEF [Principal Director of Medical Services, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force] visited division. Trenches & Advanced Dressing Stations visited. All found satisfactory.
8pm. Heavy storm has come on which is doing a good deal of damage to road in front of 1/3rd Fld Ambulance on beach.
November 16, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Weather calm and fine. Infantry in rest bivouacs suffered heavily last night in consequence of Winter quarters not being completed and their existing dug outs being very badly drained. Road leading past Fld Ambulances in GULLY BEACH almost impassable, a large part of it having been washed out by storm. Repairs to road being undertaken by RAMC.
November 17, 1915 (6:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
A South West gale sprang up about 7am and has raged all day. Road in front of Fld Ambulances still further washed away. Sea up to foundation of terrace of Main Dressing Station 1/3rd Fld Ambulance.
November 18, 1915 (9:00am. GULLY BEACH)
All available personnel from 1/2nd & 1/3rd Fld Ambulances put on to repair road as day is calm & fine. If a sufficient quantity of stone can be laid down as a breakwater, this is I think practicable. It is imperative to keep this road as there is no other site available for the Fld Ambulances and furthermore this present site is the safest from shell fire which can be found.
2:30pm. Rode up GULLY RAVINE. This is in many places over 2 feet deep in mud & water. The ambulance wagons evacuating sick and wounded are able to work with difficulty down this line. Horsed ambulance wagons are always used in GULLY RAVINE. This road always impracticable for motors. This has been no difficulty in the evacuation by motors from GULLLY BEACH to 17 Stationary Hospital.
November 19, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Revised scale of Transport authorized for RAMC of this division carried out. This is a scale adopted as a minimum in view of the necessity for reducing the number of animals on the Peninsula. It is recognized that it is only sufficient for work under present stationary situation and that it would be quite inadequate if the Field Ambulances were working under more mobile conditions.
November 20, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
An instalment of the corrugated iron required for roofing the dug outs built according to specified plan has today been issued. This amount is in the most part to be allotted to the battalions in corps reserve as it is considered most important that infantry when relieved form the trenches should have as comfortable quarters as possible. A small proportion has however been issued to the fixed units such as RA, RE, ASC and RAMC. Enough timber and sandbags are available. The digging and preparation of these Winter quarters is being pushed on as weather is becoming cold and inclement.
November 21, 1915 (2:30pm. GULLY BEACH)
Visited advanced dressing stations at Y RAVINE and EAST ANGLIA GULLY. The new dressing station shelters have now been completed and taken into use. The Y RAVINE is further forward. This is desirable being only 550 yards from the nearest part of the firing line. This is unavoidable in view of the cramped situation and after a careful survey I was unable to find a better site. As good cover as possible has been attained and the roof strengthened to support a double row of sandbags.
The accommodation is for 12 sick or wounded at Y RAVINE and for 12 at EAST ANGLIA GULLY. A section of a Field Ambulance is normally stationed at each of these advanced dressing stations. Winter quarters for these personnel are at present only partially completed owing to shortage of material. Many of the men are still in their summer bivouac shelter which are quite inadequate as a protection against cold & wet.
November 22, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Made up statistics for week ended 20th Inst. Daily sick rate is 0.57% daily based on section strength of division.
November 23, 1915 (9:30am. GULLY BEACH)
The undermentioned officers reported their arrival:
Captain C. P. BRENTNALL – Posted 1/3rd Fld Ambulance
Lieut. L. OLDERSHAN – Posted to medical charge of 1/8 Manchesters
Capt. S. F. FARROW – Rejoined to Med. Ch. Of 1/7th Manchester Regt. from sick leave.
Lieut. (Qr Mr) S. WORKMAN – To join 1/1st Field Ambulance
November 24, 1915 (9:30am. GULLY BEACH)
Lt. Col. H. G. PARKER Comdg. 1/1st East Lancs Fld Ambulance sent sick to L. of C. Major W. L. BENTLEY assumed command of unit.
November 25, 1915 (2:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
Informed General Staff, who concurred, that the short communication trench immediately north of J12 (Sikh Road) and leading down from fire trench to Western Mule Trench should be reserved as a down trench for wounded during action. The fire trenches have been recently narrowed rendering it very difficult to get wounded along them. It is therefore essential that they be passed back quickly and not through narrow communication trenches blocked by advancing troops, ammunition and supplies.
6:15pm. Report received from GOC 126th Inf. Bde. that Turks were pumping lachrymating gas into a mine falling which they had broken into. VIII Army Corps commander desired to obtain sample of this gas. Sent DADMS and Divisional Sanitary officer on this duty.
10pm. The officers sent to collect gas sample returned. To obtain samples they went down the mine, removed the sandbag which had been inserted to prevent ingress of gas and took samples by inserting bottles filled with water through opening and emptying them in the gas, afterwards corking and sealing them. Samples forwarded to VIII Army Corps for examination by expert.
November 26, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Received intelligence from VIII Army Corps that the gas could not be analyzed owing to its being absorbed by the moisture in the bottles. In the mine it was described as of an aromatic nature, irritating to the eyes and causing a certain amount of constriction and pain in the chest. The gas helmets did not protect except in so far as they protected the eyes to some degree. It does not appear to be a gas much to be feared and is obviously only of use in clearing a confined space like a mine gallery. It is comparatively innocuous when diluted with air. Although the expert could not make an analysis of this gas, he considered it to be a halogen derivative.
November 27, 1915 (1:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
Severe weather has come on. Very cold north wind. Troops ordered to take 2 blankets with them to the trenches.
November 28, 1915 (9:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Very severe frost last night. 6 degrees. Made up statistics for week ended 27th inst. Sick rate from all causes remains the same namely 0.57% daily, reckoned on section strength.
November 29, 1915 (2:30pm. GULLY BEACH)
On account of cold weather, it has become necessary to have permanent housing established for the regimental aid posts. Selected following sites for the regimental aid posts of the Right Sub-Section:
- On right bank of GULLY RAVINE opposite BOOMERANG
- At junction of DOUGLAS STREET (J10) and GULLY RAVINE
November 30, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Sent in draft for Divisional Routine Orders as to precautions to be taken against frostbite.
2pm. Attended conference of Brigadiers at Bde. HQrs. at ZIG ZAG. The Major General Commanding brought to motion that sufficient use was not being made of the disinfector by all units. He also directed that particular attention should be paid to the precautions against trench foot, frostbite, etc.
Appendix No 20/21
RAMC 42nd (East Lancs) Division Operation Order No 4
Revised Scale of Transport
December 1, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Bitterly cold last night and still freezing. Issued orders to all officers in medical charge of units to explain to all ranks the precautions to be taken against frost bite. 13 degrees of frost observed last night.
12 Noon. 12 cases of frost bite of feet brought in to Field Ambulances during morning. All slight.
12:30pm. Visited Left Sub-Section for the purpose of selecting winter sites for Regimental Aid Posts. Selected the following:
- ESSEX RAVINE – for battalion on right
- BORDER RAVINE – for battalion in centre
- FUSILIER BLUFF – for battalion on left
2pm. Capt. C. M. DREW the DADMS left sick for L. of C.
December 2, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Weather becoming much milder. Investigations into the cases of frostbite showed that in practically all these cases the precautions directed to be taken in D.R. Orders of 30th inst. had been neglected. Report on each case furnished to Major General Commanding to fix the responsibility.
December 3, 1915 (11:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Weather changed to mild & warm. Material issued by R.E. for the building of the 6 selected Regimental Aid Posts for the firing line on the Right & Left Sub-Sections. Work on these commenced.
2pm. VIII Army Corps signaled to ask if any deaths from exposure during recent blizzard. Replied in the negative.
December 4, 1915 (11:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Horse lines laid out for the animals of the 3 Field Ambulances. As little ground is available it is necessary to keep the transport of all 3 Field Ambulances together. Horse lines situated on right bank GULLY RAVINE, 400 yards from sea. Lines laid out in two terraces each 26ft broad. These terraces are to be traversed at intervals of 15 feet by stone walls faced with old oatsacks used as sandbags. Walls to be 5ft high and to be raised to 6ft 6 inches when more material is available. This forms a series of stalls, 5 horses in each. These traverses are necessary both for protection against shell fire and as a shelter from the weather.
December 5, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Made up statistics for week ended Dec 4th. Total sick from all causes reckoned on section strength of division was 0.67% daily. This increase over last week was due to the weather & storm in the early part of the week. 42 wounded during week.
December 6, 1915 (2:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
Sent sanitary officer with 2 men to spray dead enemy bodies uncovered during digging near ESSEX STREET WEST and DIGGLE STREET. The spray used is Solution C. It is a very efficient de-odourizer and enables working parties to deal with dead bodies, etc. It is a potent preparation.
December 7, 1915 (GULLY BEACH)
Nothing to note.
December 8, 1915 (08:00am. GULLY BEACH)
One NCO, RAMC killed by a spent bullet in 1/2nd Field Ambulance, GULLY BEACH in his sleep during the night.
10am. Inspection by DDMS VIII Army Corps. He visited the main dressing stations at GULLY BEACH and an advanced dressing station at EAST ANGLIA GULLY.
December 9, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
In view of the frequency of dropping bullets lately in the area occupied by the Field Ambulances on GULLY BEACH, made the following arrangements for supplying overhead cover pending the provision of corrugated iron. The sandbag walls & timbers to be fixed as usual. Extra pieces of wood to be laid across as available. Rabbit wire covered with sacking, old blankets & waterproof sheets to be placed over this & the whole covered with 2 inches of shingle or 3 inches if the roof will stand the weight.
December 10, 1915 (09:30am. GULLY BEACH)
Owing to a diversion of the road which is being made in the GULLY it will be necessary to move the Fld Ambulance transport personnel from their present bivouac to a site on the left bank of GULLY RAVINE opposite the horse lines. Terracing for winter quarters in this site commenced. Cliff very steep.
December 11, 1915 (09:00am. GULLY BEACH)
The undermentioned reinforcements arrived and were posted as stated against their names:
1/1st East Lancs Fld Ambulance – Capt. R.A. ANDERSON, Lt. E. P. VICKERY, 45 NCOs & men
1/2nd East Lancs Fld Ambulance – Capt. J. W. LINNELL, 52 NCOs & men
1/3rd East Lancs Fld Ambulance – Lieut. HALCOMB, Lt. BRIDE, 17 NCOs & men
The undermentioned postings to regimental units were made:
66th Brigade RFA – Lieut. J. CHASSLE
R.E. Kent Mted. Rifles – Lieut. J. McMILLAN
1/6th Manchester Regt. – Lieut. S. W. McCOMB
1/10th Manchester Regt. – Lieut. E. L. MATHEW
147th Brigade RFA (29th Division) – Lieut. W. L. DIBB
Without taking transport personnel into account this now leaves a deficiency below our establishment, of 5 officers and 72 other ranks RAMC. The arrival of these reinforcements has been very opportune as the RAMC men much under strength and a large amount of work still remains to be done in the way of preparation of winter quarters both for the sick and wounded and for the personnel.
2:30pm. Visited advanced dressing station at Y RAVINE and the regimental aid posts at ESSEX RAVINE and BORDER RAVINE. The site of the regimental aid post at FUSILIER BLUFF has been temporarily given up on grounds of safety and an additional aid post built in BORDER RAVINE instead. Ordered alteration to be made on the regimental aid post in ESSEX RAVINE which has not been satisfactorily completed.
December 12, 1915 (10:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Made up statistics for week ended 11th inst. Total sick from all causes averaged 0.43% per day, calculated on section strength. Total wounded during week was 45. There has been a very marked improvement in the health of the division lately. This I consider is to be attributed to good weather.
December 13, 1915 (11:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Received telephone message from VIII Army Corps to take over duties DDMS VIII Army Corps temporarily, vice Colonel M. YARR sick to L. of C., in addition to my own duties.
December 14, 1915 (08:30am. GULLY BEACH)
Owing to increasing shell fire it has become necessary to provide an alternative route for wounded coming down from the advanced dressing stations at Y Ravine & GULLY RAVINE (EAST ANGLIA GULLY). Working party of 1 NCO & 20 men RAMC detailed to cut a path from a point on the beach 700 yards North of mouth of GULLY RAVINE to the top of the cliff by a series of zig-zags and then carried across the flat trench near the ESKI LINE.
December 15, 1915 (6:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
Nothing to note.
December 16, 1915 (6:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
The path up the cliff to commencement of new communicating trench to mule trench near ESKI LINE is now finished. Party of 1 officer & 60 other ranks detailed as a night working party to cut the trench across the open. The party of 1 NCO & 20 men to be maintained by day to deepen & widen trench as it is being cut.
Lieut. Col. W. R. MATHEWS now acts as ADMS 42nd Division, vice Lieut. Col. T. P. JONES acting DDMS VIII Army Corps.
December 17, 1915 (09:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Took overcharge as acting ADMS 42nd Division vice Lt. Col. T. P. JONES acting DDMS VIII Army Corps.
The work on the main Dressing Station of the 1/2nd East Lancs Fld Ambulance is pushing on and the first terrace is wellnigh ready for the building of a hospital or hut for 50 patients. The excavation work for the men’s winter quarters also being pushed on toward completion as fast as possible. Those other winter quarters that are completed are safe, dry and warm at night and can accommodate five men comfortably in place of four as originally intended.
The zig-zag path up the cliff is practically well in hand and will soon be finished. The party of one officer and sixty men are continuing the night work on the trench across the open to connect up with the Mule Trench.
December 18, 1915 (6:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
Nothing to note.
December 19, 1915 (09:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Notified of an impending action in the Right Sub-Section and Left Sub-Section at 14:00. Issued instructions to the OIC Advanced Dressing Station in GULLY RAVINE and Y RAVINE to be prepared for casualties. OC 1/1st ordered to hold one bearer section in readiness to reinforce Advanced Dressing Station if called on.
Instructed MO I/C No 5 RAP to form an Advanced RAP at FUSILIER BLUFF and to hold back the wounded until the action was over as the WESTERN MULE TRENCH was likely to be heavily bombarded. Captain Anderson A/DADMS sent to superintend the arrangements.
6pm. Action over. Casualties to hand total 77. Everything worked smoothly and no difficulties encountered.
Daily percentage of sick for week ending 18/12/15 is 0.29%, the lowest on record.
December 20, 1915 (09:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Total casualties from the previous operation 129. Trenching and digging work at the Field Ambulance going on. Nothing further to note.
6pm. Nothing to note
December 21, 1915 (09:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Nothing to note.
6pm. Nothing to note.
December 22, 1915 (09:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Nothing to note.
6pm. Nothing to note.
December 23, 1915 (09:00am. GULLY BEACH)
The undermentioned reinforcements arrived and were posted as stated against their names:
1/1st East Lancs Field Ambulance Captain A. M. MACKAY, TF
1/3rd East Lancs Field Ambulance Captain W. ROGERS, TF
1/6th Batt. Lancs Fusiliers, TF Captain C. G. BENTNALL, TF, vice Temp Lt. L. J. McCONNELL
1/3rd East Lancs Field Ambulance Captain J. A. TOMB, TF
Temp Lieut. L. J. McCONNEL rejoined the 1/2nd East Lancs Fld Ambulance.
6pm. Nothing to note.
December 24, 1915 (09:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Detailed Captain W. ROGERS 1/3rd East Lancs Field Ambulance and 4 other ranks to form a temporary Dressing Station at W. BEACH. Authority DDMS VIII Army Corps.
Arranged with ADMS 29th Division that S.E.M.B. Field Ambulance be attached to the 29th Division Authority.
6pm. Nothing to note.
December 25, 1915 (6:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
Detailed Temp. Lieut E. P. VICKERY as MO I/C 1/5th Lancs Fusiliers, vice Captain A. B. THOMPSON killed in action. Detailed Captain A. B. BRENTNALL as MO I/C 1/7th Lancs Fusiliers, vice Captain C. C. FITZGERALD sick to L. of C.
Captain R. A. ANDERSON RAMC sick to L. of C.
December 26, 1915 (9:00pm. GULLY BEACH)
Received orders from AA&QMG to have a Field Ambulance ready to move. Detailed No 2 Field Ambulance to have heavy baggage at V BEACH tonight. Instructed other Field Ambulances to stand by and evacuate all sick and wounded to No 17 Stationary Hospital. 42nd Division ordered to leave Peninsula on relief by 13th Division.
December 27, 1915 (9:00am. GULLY BEACH)
Heavy baggage of 1/2nd Field Ambulance at V. BEACH. Ambulance ready to move.
2:30pm. Order to move tonight cancelled until further orders.
Daily average percentage of sick for week ending 25.12.15 is 0.34% Daily, a slight rise from week before. Waiting further orders as to moving.
December 28, 1915 (12:30pm. GULLY BEACH)
1/2nd East Lancs Fld Ambulance under orders to sail tonight.
Returned to duty with the 1/2nd East Lancs Field Ambulance on the return of Lt. Col. T. P. JONES ADMS.
Lt. Colonel T. P. JONES RAMC resumed duties of ADMS on return from temporary duty as a/ DDMS VIII Army Corps.
7:30pm. 1/2nd E. Lancs Fld Ambulance left division for embarkation at LANCASHIRE LANDING. Equipment and baggage if thus unit sent on 26th inst.
8pm. In accordance with orders received, the 1/1st and 1/3rd E. L. Fld Ambulances sent in to V. BEACH their heavy baggage only. These two units have been directed to retain their equipment for a handing over to the Fld Ambulances of the 13th Division.
December 29, 1915 (9:00am. GALLIPOLI PENINSULA)
S.E. Mted. Brig, Fld Ambulance ordered to have all their baggage and equipment brought down to GULLY BEACH during the day. OC 1/1st E. L. Fld Ambulance ordered to send one section to relieve this unit at the advanced dressing station at Y RAVINE. Move to be completed by 6pm.
6pm. Above move completed. The S.E.M.B. Fld Ambulance ordered to bivouac for the night on site vacated by 1/2nd Fld Ambulance at GULLY BEACH.
8:30pm. All baggage and equipment of SEMB Fld Ambulance sent to LANCASHIRE LANDING for embarkation.
December 30, 1915 (9:00pm. GALLIPOLI PENINSULA)
S.E.M.B. Fld Ambulance march to V BEACH for embarkation. All troops of 42nd Division have now left Peninsula with the exception of the West Lancs Coy RE and the 1/1st and 1/3rd Fld Ambulances.
December 31, 1915 (9:50am. GALLIPOLI PENINSULA)
The 1/1st Fld Ambulance ordered to move to site vacated by 1/2nd Fld Ambulance at GULLY BEACH but not to establish dressing station. The main dressing station of 1/3rd Fld Ambulance is now the only one left on the beach. RAMC arrangements for Left Sub-Section now as follows:
Main Dressing Station at GULLY BEACH – 1/3rd Fld Ambulance (less one section)
Advanced Dressing Station at Y RAVINE – One section of 1/1st Fld Ambulance
Advanced Dressing Station at EAST ANGLIA GULLY and Bearer Post at junction of DOUGLAS STREET and GULLY RAVINE – One section of 1/3rd Fld Ambulance.
The 1/1st Fld Ambulance (less one section) remains in reserve at GULLY BEACH.
Sick and wounded from the advanced dressing station at Y RAVINE are evacuated by GHURKHA MULE TRENCH – GULLY RAVINE to GULLY BEACH or, as an alternative route, by P. POINT – JENNET ROAD – CUT down to Beach – Sea beach to GULLY BEACH.
Sick & wounded from the advanced dressing station at EAST ANGLIA GULLY are evacuated by GULLY RAVINE to GULLY BEACH.
Evacuation from the division is carried out as usual by ambulance wagons (motor ambulances state of roads prevents) to No. 17 Stationary Hospital near LANCASHIRE LANDING.
10am. Received instructions that the evacuation of HELLES had been decided on. Received orders from GOC 13th Division that I was to remain together with my two Field Ambulances (1/1st and 1/3rd) to carry out the RAMC duties on the Left Sub-Section during this period. The DADMS (Major SKELTON) of the 13th Division to act as my DADMS.
11am. Issued orders to both 1/1st and 1/3rd Field Ambulances that equipment
6pm. Received 13th Division Operation Order No 11.
8pm. VIII Army Corps Memorandum received. Medical arrangements for the final period of evacuation.
In conformity with this the personnel of both Field Ambulances combined is to be reduced during the first period to 10 officers and 220 other ranks.